Membership in AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary is open to the mothers, wives, widows, grandmothers, sisters, daughters and granddaughters of AMVETS and female veterans who are currently serving or who have honorable served in the Armed Forces of the United States, including the National Guard and Reserve components, anytime after September 15, 1940.
We are a network of AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary members that provides a teamwork of support for local volunteers. Volunteering is the heart of AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary and is recognized.
AMVETS Department of Washington
Ladies Auxiliary
Executive Leadership
Ladies Auxiliary
President: Barbara Skinner
1st Vice President: Tracy Muntz
2nd Vice President: Janine Byers
3rd Vice President: Gayle Lawien
Secretary: Anthoenette "Toni: Johnson
Treasurer: Peggy Robinson
Chaplain: Velma Wright
Sergeant-At-Arms & Ways & Means Chair: Patricia Kastner
Americanism Chair & VAVS Deputy: Gail Cropper
Hospital Chair: Gloria Harris
VAVS Rep (American Lake - Tacoma): Yvonne Crockette
VAVS Rep (Mann-Grandstaff - Spokane) & PDP: Gloria George
NEC Woman & Scholarship Chair: Darelyn Arter
Auxiliary 1 Tacoma: Barbara Skinner
Auxiliary 2 Olympia: Michelle Edwards
Auxiliary 6 Vancouver: Margaret Martin
Auxiliary 69 Orville/Chesaw: Leslee Hyatt
Auxiliary 92 Spokane: Gail Croppper
Auxiliary 99 Prosser: Terri Perkins